

The GT12 was the most popular class by far and is still well represented at GERCC.

The car is a good replacement for the 1/10th Tourning car as the GT12 is also geared towards the more advanced driver giving high speed competitive racing.

At GERCC the GT12 has a great following with drivers using the various Schumacher Atom’s (1, 2 or 3), the occasional Zen GT12 and with the rare showing from the old SuperStox or SuperStox GT.

A standard set up from the manual with foam tyres is always a good place to start.

The club will be updating the GT12 rules soon.


1/12th Scale Mardave Mini

As of September 2022 the Mardave mini has now become the most popular class by far at GERCC. In recent months the popularity has grown from a few cars to several heats. The sport is geared towards affordable, close, competitive racing.

At GERCC the Mardave Mini has become very well represented with drivers either driving Mardave Mini Assassin or the Kamtec Mini Racer.

The class is designed to be cheap and to enable anyone who wants to race and have fun without spending loads of money. A standard set up from the manual with foam tyres is a good place to start.

The club recently updated the Mardave Mini rules.

Super Stox

Indoor Buggy

Although GERCC is not designed as a buggy track we do have a few who like to rock up reasonably regularly. As long as we get at least four cars we will lay on a heat. We have both 1/10th Buggies and 18th scale buggies although the 18th scale is definitely better suited for our track size. Unfortunately as the primary class run is saloon car based so we do not have jumps and altering terrain. There are local tracks that do accommodate this better .


1/10th Scale Mini's

The Tamiya Mini's were popular at the Gloucester club for a number of years but have now died out in favour of the more affordable Mardave Mini, This was once the staple diet for many racers at GERCC and it did attempt a return but never stuck around. The Tamiya mini was designed to be an affordable form of racing going back many years, but it did have its issues. Tamiya dominate the 1/10th mini classes with the front wheel drive chassis that has evolved slowly over 10+ years and can still be seen at local clubs.

Tamiya Mini

1/10th Scale Touring Car

The 1/10th scale touring car disappeared from GERCC when we moved to our new venue as the track size does not accommodate 1/10th touring cars. GERCC used to run 1/10th scale touring car championships twice a year, a separate summer and winter championship with cups and prizes awarded at the end of each series. The touring car was the most competitive and arguably the top form of racing available to GERCC members. The motors were limited to 13.5 turns brushless in line with BRCA rules and even back in the day the tight technical track demands high degree of skill and a well set up car. Cars run by the majority of drivers were: Schumacher, Team Associated and X-ray. A basic carpet set up works well on all these cars, with most drivers opting for slightly stiffer front springs and more droop to make the car drivable, get good turn in and avoid grip roll. There are still a good number of 1/10th Touring cars running at other local clubs so you can still run this class should you want to.

Touring car 10th scale

Revised 13th November 2023